To say that your life changes when you walk the Camino is a major understatement. No one who sets foot on the Camino will return the same person. Despite our world becoming increasingly secular, pilgrimages are growing in popularity. If you are fortunate enough to have the time and fitness levels to walk the Camino, it will offer you a space within which you can reexamine the priorities of your life. A pilgrim is a person who is on a journey. To reach their destination they must make many sacrifices, but the rewards for doing so can be immense.
Walking the Camino de Santiago will take you out of your comfort zones, challenge you physically and mentally, and compel you to live a life that is stripped of many everyday conveniences, but it will introduce you to new people, welcome you into foreign lands, and teach you valuable lessons about how to live a richer and more fulfilling life. On this blog I have included many stories about my own personal experiences of the camino, as well as places further afield. I also have a separate page where I provide some tips and advice for living a simpler everyday lifestyle based on the mindset of a pilgrim. Any and all comments and questions are welcome. Buen Camino!