Everyone says that walking the Camino is a unique experience, which transforms the lives of all those who do it. The pilgrim’s journey takes them through a series of diverse physical landscapes, and along the way they may also reach places inside themselves they never thought possible. All of this is undoubtedly true, but without something as simple as the right pair of boots this trip of a lifetime may quickly turn into a miserable odyssey of rage and self recrimination (and divorce if you go with your partner). This life changing 800 kilometre journey could easily be cut short into a three day blister ridden nightmare without the proper preparation, with the prospective pilgrim losing all zest for life and hope for the future in the process. And nobody wants that to happen, so on this page I give some practical information about the Camino, when to go, what to bring, and what to expect along the way. That way your Camino will be everything you hoped it to be, and more.